An AIS AtoN is an AIS transceiver designed specifically for installation on marine Aids to Navigation (buoys, lighthouses etc.). An AtoN is defined by IALA1 as ‘a device or system external to vessels that is designed and operated to enhance the safe and efficient navigation of vessels and/or vessel traffic’.


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  • An AIS AtoN transmits the position of an Aid to Navigation.
  • It can be interfaced to a wide range of sensors such as metrological and hydrological devices, as well as with the lantern and other equipment located at the point of installation.
  • Data collected from these instruments feeds directly into the AtoN where it is automatically compiled into an AIS format and transmitted by the AtoN for the benefit of mariners and authorities.
  • An AIS AtoN can be interfaced to a lamp either for simple reporting of the lamp status or for a more advanced status and configuration of the lamp (e.g. changing flash codes).
  • An AIS AtoN requires a power source. The power source is typically a solar charged battery system, designed to provide sufficient power to the AtoN and all other equipment on the platform, under all weather conditions and seasonal sunlight variation.